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being one
of Europe’s
nations in
terms of
plenty of
for those in
the hunting
and shooting
market. You
just have to
know where
to look.
The Portuguese economy is the 46th largest in the world and is
currently enjoying a modest period of growth – increasing at its
fastest rate since the year 2000. This comes after a hard decade
or so as one of the European Union’s most fragile economies,
which lumbered itself with heavy austerity as a way of coping with
previous economic failings.
Traditionally, the country’s main trading partners have come from
within the European Union, primarily those which are its closest
neighbours such as Spain or France. It does, however also have
strong trading connections with the United States and the United
Kingdom too.
The cautious growth that Portugal is experiencing has come after
it recently lifted some of its austerity measures and follows a
trend that several other southern European nations are following.
A relative period of stability and a population of young and
ambitious professionals is helping its cause.
actually the first European nation
to legalise and regulate hunting
with bow and arrow back in 1986.
Hunters simply need to get a
bowhunting specialisation added
to their national hunting licence
to do so.
Portugal also has quite a good
presence in clay pigeon shooting,
with many shooting grounds set
up around the Algarve part of
the country in the south. It has
a good tradition in this kind of
shooting, often being represented
in the Olympic Games for
clay and other kinds of target
shooting, such as 10m or 50m air
pistol. This remains a relatively
small part of the market when
compared to hunting, however
there is space for brands to grow.
Legislation and associations
Portugal is a country with quite
a close-knit market in terms
of distributors and retailers.
However, what it lacks in
numbers, it makes up for with the
reliability and trustworthiness of
its businesses. Some of the bigger
names in the business include
Cacicambra (www.cacicambra.
pt), Qualifire (www.qualifire.com),
(www.mercartucho.pt) and Evia
Economy In Focus
$217.6 billion GDP in US dollars
$21,136.30 GDP per capita in US dollars
2.7% GDP growth rate annual increase
6.8% Unemployment rate (August 2018)
Top export partners: Spain, France, Germany, UK and USA
Top import partners: Spain, Germany, France, Italy and the
1.5 million estimated firearms licences held
$40 million estimated export value of
weapons/firearms in US dollars