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Well, I know skippers who
have approached research
groups to help by taking
anglers out to catch, tag
and release target fi sh yet
get knocked back. It seems
an impossible situation
but, as I say, it’s great to see
that campaigning is still
going strong. For two years,
America’s Modern Fish Act
(MFA) has been debated
and it’s now at a critical
point in that it needs to be
passed now. Passing this
will enable effective federal
management of America’s
saltwater fi sheries which
have never been managed
correctly and ultimately
enable increased access to
fi shing in turn contributing
to increased participants and
more money to its economy.
The huge level of support
from all of the organisations,
company heads and anglers
have given to get the MFA
passed and with all of its
campaigning; surely now
something has to be done.
It’s a constant battle all
over the world but the
campaigners are fi ghting
for our sport now and in the
future. Get behind them and
get involved any way you
can. It’ll benefi t us all.
On another issue, I was
keen to catch up with TTW’s
monthly contributor on
sustainable issues, Dr Stuart
Mclanaghan from fi sh21,
who has recently returned
from the Fifth Global Ghost
Gear Initiative Annual
General Meeting in Bali.
The article can be found on
pages 36 & 37 where I ask a
few key questions about the
initiative itself and what’s
being done in alignment
with the current global focus
on single use plastic.
An interesting article
but, again, something
that involves groups of
companies, associations and
individuals who are fi ghting
to get things done so that
recreational angling can be
enjoyed everywhere with
minimal environmental
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Welcome to the
December issue of
Tackle Trade World.
I want to applaud
the efforts demonstrated
by campaigners pushing to
bring back big game fi shing
to UK shores. It’s always
encouraging that, despite
recent news of declining
trade and doom and
gloom, there are groups of
individuals doing everything
they can to ensure that the
sport is not left to dwindle
away into nothing. Okay, it
may be a slight exaggeration
but what is the reality?
As an industry we cannot
simply leave it to run its
course as there are far too
many obstacles in the way.
I for one would like to see
bluefi n tuna fi shing off the
west coast of the UK return.
With the amount of sport on
offer it is so frustrating to
see an opportunity like this
go to waste. The local coastal
communities would benefi t
hugely from this yet there’s
another ruling to say that
nobody can fi sh for them. I
hope the group consisting of
Parliamentary members and
other association individuals
is heard.
Regarding obstacles, there
are environmental groups
banging the drum about the
negative impacts of fi shing
and governments quick to
make decisions on catch
quotas and suchlike. The
problem is that recreational
fi shing is just too easily
getting all wrapped up
in the same category as
our commercial fi shing
counterparts. I read about
how scientifi c studies are
needed before recreational
fi shing is allowed or limits
increased yet the groups
charged with carrying out
these studies can’t complete
them because they can’t
catch enough fi sh to study!
Surely recreational anglers
can help here?
fish21’s director of
Sustainability, Dr.
Stuart Mclanaghan
highlights the
benefits of using
circle hooks and their
sustainability impacts.
Lineaeffe’s boss,
Federico Ferrari
explains some future
objectives for the
Lineaeffe export