www.tackletradeworld.com 31
fi sherman and former college baseball
player, Aaron Techlin, founder of
Outdoor Grips, LLC, experienced severe
wrist and elbow pain from thousands of
casts using heavy muskie lures.
Aaron explained, “I knew I was
not the only one fi ghting fatigue and
decided to address the issue. I began
talking to other fi shermen and it
JigRipper would be well received in the
big game fi shing industry because it
fi ghts fatigue, is easy to install and has
a removable handle for easy storage. It’s
a common-sense approach to jigging,
casting, retrieving and bottom bouncing
baits to trigger strikes.”
Outdoor Grips has now teamed
up with Pacifi c Bay International to
Rotator cuff injuries and repetitive motion
conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome are
increasingly common complaints of fi shermen who
spend long days on the water.
was easy to see this is a widespread
Rotator cuff injuries and repetitive
motion conditions like carpal tunnel
syndrome are increasingly common
complaints of fi shermen who spend
long days on the water.
Outdoor Grips’ fi rst offering was
the JigRipper, a patented aftermarket
handle that can be attached to
any baitcasting rod on the market.
The JigRipper quickly generated
international attention at trade shows,
selling through various distribution
outlets and teaming up with Mike
Keyes, who is host of the popular
internet channel Keyes Outdoors.
Aaron continued, “I knew the
introduce the Revolution Reel Seat,
which build the ergonomic advantages
of the JigRipper into any baitcasting
rod. The design allows the angler to fi sh
conventionally or by simply removing
the trigger cap and screwing in a
comfortable ergonomic handle that
adjusts the angle of the grip on the
rod. This results in increased leverage,
better hook sets and, most importantly,
less fatigue throughout the day.
Pac Bay COO Scott Whitmore said,
“The design is simply revolutionary.
The reel seat places your hand in a
position that allows you to fi sh longer
with considerably less fatigue. The
attention to detail and functionality of
the product will fi nd itself onto the rods
of leading rod builders worldwide.”
Pac Bay showcased the prototypes
at this year’s ICAST show and the
response to the ergonomic reel
seat was amazing. Scott
continued, “Initially
the reel seat was set
for a 2019 launch
but we were working
hard with our factory
to push for a soft
launch in October.
We’ve already had early
adopters holding rod
production back waiting for the
Aaron added, “We are excited to help
rejuvenate the industry with products
designed to allow sportsmen to stay out
on the water or in the fi eld longer and
with less discomfort.”
With JigRipper and Revolution Reel
Seat, Outdoor Grips has positioned
itself as the leader in fi shing
ergonomics. The company is also
adapting its technology for use in other
sports including hunting.
For more information please visit
www.fi shpacbay.com
PAC BAY www.fishpacbay.com
Build Great Fishing Rods
Aaron Techlin
d ers
ed onomic y
aiting e ustry products
portsmen out
he t.”
d l i l
Pac Bay COO Scott Whitmore
Pac Bay’s Sales and Marketing Director Damon Stamoolis